With the pressures of modern day life, your eyes truly need a break as they’re almost constantly required to focus. Whether you’re using a computer to work, reading books, researching things on your phone or driving, you’re putting strain on your eyes. Even the environment around you can contribute to tired eyes, for example, working in an air-conditioned office can cause your eyes to feel dry and uncomfortable. These factors all make getting a good amount of sleep each night important so that you can recover from the strains of the day.

So how does sleep benefit your eye health? As well as being a long period of time that your eyes don’t need to focus, during sleep your body replenishes the supply of natural tears that keep them feeling hydrated. This means that you’re more likely to avoid dry eyes during the day if you get 7+ hours a sleep per night. Well-rested eyes are also less likely to be affected by burst blood vessels, which can lead to an unappealing red and bloodshot appearance and discomfort.

REM (‘rapid eye movement’) sleep, might sound like it’s just as tiring as using your eyes during the day, but it’s important in their recovery. The small movements your eyes make during this part of sleep work the way that stretches do for your body, and help to relax your eyes so that they perform better. They also prevents eye spasms which, while usually harmless, can be uncomfortable and irritating, particularly if they happen often.

Article: https://www.visiondirect.co.uk/blog/sleep-good-for-eyes